📄️ Activeloop Deep Memory
[Activeloop Deep
📄️ Amazon Kendra
📄️ Arcee
Arcee helps with the
📄️ Arxiv
arXiv is an open-access archive for 2 million
📄️ Azure AI Search
[Microsoft Azure AI
📄️ Bedrock (Knowledge Bases)
[Knowledge bases for Amazon
📄️ BM25
BM25 (Wikipedia) also
📄️ BREEBS (Open Knowledge)
BREEBS is an open collaborative knowledge
📄️ Chaindesk
Chaindesk platform brings
📄️ ChatGPT plugin
📄️ Cohere reranker
Cohere is a Canadian startup that provides
📄️ Cohere RAG
Cohere is a Canadian startup that provides
📄️ DocArray
DocArray is a versatile,
📄️ Dria
Dria is a hub of public RAG models for developers
📄️ ElasticSearch BM25
Elasticsearch is a
📄️ Elasticsearch
Elasticsearch is a
📄️ Embedchain
Embedchain is a RAG
📄️ FlashRank reranker
FlashRank is the
📄️ Fleet AI Context
Fleet AI Context is a dataset of
📄️ Google Drive
This notebook covers how to retrieve documents from Google Drive.
📄️ Google Vertex AI Search
Google Vertex AI Search
📄️ JaguarDB Vector Database
\[JaguarDB Vector Database\](http://www.jaguardb.com/windex.html
📄️ Kay.ai
Kai Data API built for RAG 🕵️ We are curating
📄️ Kinetica Vectorstore based Retriever
Kinetica is a database with integrated
📄️ kNN
In statistics, the [k-nearest neighbours algorithm
📄️ LLMLingua Document Compressor
LLMLingua utilizes a
📄️ LOTR (Merger Retriever)
Lord of the Retrievers (LOTR), also known as MergerRetriever,
📄️ Metal
Metal is a managed service
📄️ Outline
Outline is an open-source collaborative
📄️ Pinecone Hybrid Search
Pinecone is a vector
📄️ PubMed
PubMed® by
📄️ Qdrant Sparse Vector
Qdrant is an open-source, high-performance
📄️ RAGatouille
RAGatouille makes it as
📄️ RePhraseQuery
RePhraseQuery is a simple retriever that applies an LLM between the
📄️ SEC filing
SEC filing is a financial statement or
🗃️ Self-querying retrievers
20 items
📄️ SingleStoreDB
SingleStoreDB is a high-performance
📄️ SVM
[Support vector machines
📄️ Tavily Search API
Tavily’s Search API is a search engine built
📄️ **NeuralDB**
NeuralDB is a CPU-friendly and fine-tunable retrieval engine developed
📄️ Vespa
Vespa is a fully featured search engine and
📄️ Weaviate Hybrid Search
Weaviate is an open-source
📄️ Wikipedia
Wikipedia is a multilingual free online
📄️ You.com
you.com API is a suite of tools designed to
📄️ Zep
Retriever Example for Zep